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You have questions about Family Law and Wills & Estates. We have answers.

For information on our legal services, and to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers, please use the following links to contact us:

James Carr: ckfamilylaw@mail.com

Christopher King: chris@ckfamilylaw.com

Office Address and Contact Information

#100, 14020 128th Avenue NW,
Edmonton, AB
T5L 4M8

Phone/Fax (Chris): (780) 428-9191
Phone/Fax (James): (780) 488-9948

Recently Separated?
Wondering what happens now?

If you have recently separated from your spouse, we strongly recommend that you seek out an Edmonton divorce lawyer for a consultation. It is important to get early advice (even before attending mediation if you and your spouse agree to go to mediation) regarding your rights and responsibilities.

Learn More

Edmonton Family Law Legal Team

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